Intervju za posao na engleskom - pitanja i odgovori

Koliko puta vam se desilo da pre nekog intervjua za posao pomislite u sebi kako je trebalo bolje da se pripremite?

Koliko puta ste rekli sebi “Sledeći put ću više vežbati”?

Koliko puta ste odustali od prijave za intervju samo zbog tog dela na engleskom?

Niste sami u ovome, svakom od nas se desilo da osetimo nervozu pre intervjua i da se pokajemo što se nismo dovoljno pripremili.

Intervju za posao je sam po sebi dovoljno stresan, najmanje od svega vam je potrebno da pored toga još sebi prebacujete zbog nedovoljno pripremanja. 

Ovo je nešto sa čime ćete se susresti pre ili kasnije, možda ste već i prošli kroz mnogo njih, mada to ne znači da su manje stresni. Cilj svakog od nas kada se pojavimo na intervjuu za posao jeste da ostavimo najbolji utisak i da se pokažemo u najboljem svetlu. Da bismo to postigli od ključne je važnosti to kako se izažavamo i šta govorimo. 

Dobro, važno je šta govorimo. A šta ako ne znamo šta da kažemo? 

Baš zato je bitno da se pripremimo pre svakog intervjua, kako bismo znali šta da kažemo. Na intervjuu za posao vas mogu pitati veliki broj pitanja i nemoguće je pripremiti se za sve ali takođe ima i pitanja koja su postala standard i koja poslodavci najčešće postavljaju. 

Pored toga što je intervju za posao stresan zamislite samo koliko je tek stresno kada isti taj intervju imate na jeziku koji nije vaš maternji. Veliki broj poslodavca zahteva intervju na engleskom i poznavanje engleskog jezika. 

Znači sada, em što morate da smislite odgovore na sva pitanja, morate da ih smislite i na engleskom? Pa to je da vam glava eksplodira.

Pričati strani jezik nije nikako lako, pogotovo ne u situaciji u kojoj smo pod velikim stresom i pritiskom. 

Šta ako krenem da mucam? Šta ako ne mogu da se setim neke reči? Šta ako ne umem to da kažem na engleskom? Šta ako me pitaju nešto a ja ih ne razumem? 

Ovo su samo neka od pitanja sa kojima smo se mi susreli u radu sa našim učenicima i pripremi za intervjue. Nakon dugogodišnjeg rada u ovoj oblasti i pripremi na stotine studenata, možemo da vam potvrdimo da ništa nije nemoguće! Uz malo vežbe i truda sve se može savadati, pa i taj “prokleti” intervju za posao. 

Ako se sada već pitate kako, bez brige – sve smo pripremili za vas. Odgovorili smo na neka od najčešćih pitanja koja se pojavljuju na intervjuima za posao i sve to na engleskom. Sve što vi treba da uradite jeste da pročitate naše primere i malo ih preuredite u svoje. Znate onu dobru školsku “prepiši moj domaći ali malo ga izmeni da nije baš isto”. Isto to važi i ovde.  

Sva pitanja  i odgovori koji će vam biti potrebni za intervju na engleskom na jednom mestu! Uživajte… I srećno!

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Can you tell me something about yourself?

Evo pitanja koje bismo svi mi najradije izbegli. Nije uvek lako pričati o sebi i predstaviti sebe bez da zvučimo umišljeno i tome slično. Ali nije nemoguće. Evo primera kako to treba da zvuči na engleskom. 

Of course! I’d be happy to share a bit about myself. My name is [Your Name], and I have always been passionate about [mention a relevant field or interest]. I hold a [Your Degree] in [Your Major] from [Your University], where I gained a strong foundation in [Key Skill or Area].

After graduating, I joined [Previous Company] as a [Your Previous Position], where I was responsible for [Briefly mention your key responsibilities and achievements]. This role allowed me to further refine my [Key Skill or Area] skills and gave me valuable insights into [Relevant Industry].

In my free time, I’m an avid [Hobby or Interest – reader/gamer…], which helps me maintain a balanced and creative perspective. I’m also passionate about staying updated with industry trends and technologies, which is why I’m excited about the opportunity to contribute my skills and continue learning at [Company Name].

Overall, I believe my background in [Your Key Strengths] and my dedication to continuous growth make me a strong fit for [Company Name]. I’m eager to bring my expertise to the team and contribute to [Company’s Goals/Projects].

Why are you leaving your job?

Ovo je trik pitanje, bitno je da ne kažete ništa loše za vaše prethodno radno mesto (pogotovo ako su vas oni preporučili) ali isto tako morate novom poslodavcu da objasnite zbog čega želite da napustite to radno mesto. Ovde ima par opcija koja mi volimo da zovemo sigurica. 

I’ve truly valued my time at [Previous Company], and I’ve learned a great deal during my tenure there. The experiences and challenges I’ve encountered have been instrumental in shaping my professional growth. However, I believe that now is the right time for me to explore new opportunities and continue expanding my skill set.

While I’ve enjoyed my role at [Previous Company], I’ve reached a point where I’m seeking fresh challenges and a chance to take on greater responsibilities. I’m particularly excited about the prospect of joining a company like [Target Company] because it aligns more closely with my long-term career goals and offers a dynamic environment that encourages innovation and professional development.

I want to emphasize that my decision to explore new opportunities is not a reflection of any dissatisfaction with my current role. Rather, it’s a testament to my eagerness to continue growing and contributing in new and exciting ways. I’m excited about the possibility of joining [Target Company] and am confident that this change will be a positive step in my career journey.

Why are you interested in this position?

Kod ovog pitanja je najbitnije da iskreno odgovorite zašto vas baš ta pozicija interesuje i zašto mislite da biste se dobro snašli u tom poslu. 

I’m genuinely excited about the opportunity to join [Company Name] and take on the [Target Position] role. The more I’ve learned about the company and the responsibilities of this position, the more I’m convinced that it’s a perfect fit for my skills, experience, and career aspirations.

The responsibilities outlined for the [Target Position] position closely match my strengths and interests. I’m drawn to the challenges associated with [mention a specific task or responsibility] as it presents an opportunity for me to leverage my experience in [Your Relevant Experience] to drive meaningful results.

In summary, the chance to work with a forward-thinking company like [Company Name], contribute my expertise to the [Target Position] role, and be part of a team that’s dedicated to [Company’s Mission/Goals] is what truly excites me about this opportunity. I’m eager to bring my skills and enthusiasm to [Company Name] and play a meaningful role in driving its continued success.

Ukoliko ti je potrebno više primera za ovaj odgovor ništa ne brini, imamo rešenje za tebe. Napravili smo jedinstven ebook priručnik za pripremu za intervju na engleskom.

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What do you know about our company?

Odgovor na ovo pitanje će najviše zavisiti od same kompanije ali mi možemo da vam ponudimo nekoliko šablona.

I’m drawn to [Target Company] because of its reputation for [mentioning a specific aspect of the company’s culture, values, or projects that resonates with you]. I believe that my experience in [Your Key Skills] will allow me to make a meaningful impact on [Target Company’s Goals/Projects], and I’m enthusiastic about the opportunity to contribute my expertise to the team.

First and foremost, [Company Name] has established itself as a leader in [Industry/Field], and I’ve been impressed by the company’s innovative approach to [mention a recent project, initiative, or aspect of their work]. I’m excited about the prospect of contributing to a team that’s at the forefront of [Industry/Field], and I believe my background in [Your Key Skills] aligns well with the needs of this role.

I was particularly excited to learn about your recent [notable achievement, project, or initiative], which showcased your dedication to innovation and your commitment to [Company’s Mission or Core Value].

This aligns well with my own values and aspirations, as I’ve always been drawn to organizations that drive positive change in their industry.

Your company’s culture also stands out to me. I’ve read about your emphasis on [mention a specific aspect of company culture such as teamwork, collaboration, and employee development], which resonates with my own professional values. I believe that a collaborative and supportive work environment fosters creativity and allows employees to excel.

I’ve had the chance to review the job description for the [Target Position] role, and I’m excited about the opportunity to contribute my [Your Key Skills or Experience] to the team. It’s clear that [Company Name] values [mention a skill or attribute relevant to the position] based on the responsibilities outlined in the job description.

In conclusion, I’m genuinely enthusiastic about working at [Company Name]. Your company’s reputation for innovation, commitment to [Company’s Mission or Core Value], and the alignment of the [Target Position] role with my skills and aspirations make me confident that I would be a valuable addition to the team. I’m eager to contribute to your continued success.

What motivates you?

Opet poprilično individualno pitanje ali ukoliko nemate inpiracije i ne znate šta biste rekli na ovo, tu smo da vas inspirišemo. 

What truly motivates me is the opportunity to make a meaningful impact and contribute to something larger than myself. I find great satisfaction in tackling challenges head-on and finding innovative solutions. The feeling of accomplishment that comes from overcoming obstacles and seeing the positive outcomes of my efforts drives me to continually strive for excellence.

Additionally, I’m motivated by the opportunity to learn and grow. I thrive in dynamic environments where there’s always something new to explore. The chance to acquire new skills, expand my knowledge, and adapt to changes keeps me engaged and excited about my work.

Collaboration is also a significant source of motivation for me. 

I enjoy working alongside talented individuals, learning from their perspectives, and collectively achieving shared goals. I believe that diverse teams bring together a wealth of experiences and ideas that lead to the best outcomes.

Furthermore, the alignment of my personal values with the company’s mission and goals is a powerful motivator. When I can see that my efforts contribute to a larger purpose and positively impact the lives of others, it gives me a strong sense of fulfilment.

Overall, my motivation comes from the combination of making a positive impact, continuous growth, collaboration, and alignment with a greater purpose. I believe that these factors create a fulfilling and rewarding work experience that brings out the best in me.

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What are your biggest strengths?

I evo nas, ako ste mislili da je prvo pitanje najgore, uvek može gore. Kako sada da nahvalite sebe a da poslodavac ne pomisli da ste arogantni? Ili kako da ne budete previše skromni da pa poslodavac pomisli da i nemate nekih dobrih osobina? Postoji nekoliko načina za to. 

I believe my biggest strengths lie in my strong analytical abilities and adaptability. I have a knack for breaking down complex problems into manageable components and finding practical solutions. This skill has enabled me to excel in various roles, from tackling intricate projects to troubleshooting unexpected challenges.

Another one of my strengths is effective communication. I place a high value on clarity and open dialogue, whether I’m collaborating with colleagues or presenting ideas to a team. I believe that clear communication fosters understanding and helps create a more cohesive and productive work environment.

Additionally, I’m a natural problem solver. I approach challenges with a positive attitude and a willingness to explore different angles to find the best course of action. This trait has allowed me to handle difficult situations with a level-headed mindset and find innovative solutions that benefit both my team and the organization.

Lastly, my dedication to continuous learning and self-improvement is a strength that I hold dear. I’m always eager to expand my skill set, whether through taking on new responsibilities, pursuing additional training, or staying current with industry trends. This adaptability and thirst for knowledge have helped me stay at the forefront of my field.

Overall, I consider these strengths to be the pillars of my professional approach, and I’m excited about the opportunity to bring them to a new role and contribute to a dynamic team.

What are your biggest weaknesses?

Poput prethodnog pitanja i ovo spada u kategoriju pitanja na koja niko ne voli da odogovara. Zato smo mi tu da odgovorimo umesto vas. 

One area I’ve been actively working to improve is time management. While I’ve developed effective strategies to prioritize tasks and meet deadlines, I sometimes find myself investing a bit too much time in perfecting certain projects. I’m committed to continuously refining my time management skills by setting clear time limits for tasks and regularly reviewing my progress. I believe this will help me strike a better balance between delivering high-quality work and meeting project timelines.

Additionally, I’ve recognized that I’m naturally a cautious decision-maker, as I tend to thoroughly analyze all options before making a choice. While this careful approach has its benefits, I understand that in certain situations, quick decisions are necessary. To address this, I’ve been actively working on trusting my instincts more and being more decisive when time is of the essence.

I want to emphasize that while these areas represent my current weaknesses, they are also opportunities for growth. I’m dedicated to ongoing self-improvement and believe that by acknowledging and addressing these weaknesses, I can enhance my overall effectiveness as a professional.

Ukoliko ti ovi odgovori na pitanja o slabostima i vrlinama ne odgovaraju nudimo ti naš ebook priručnik za intervju na engleskom u kom ćeš pronaći više primera odgovora na ovo pitanje.

How do you define success?

Još jedno pitanje koje se odnosi na vas lično i zbog toga ćete morati da ga malo prilagodite, ali opet svaki poslodavac želi da čuje nešto iskreno. 

Success is the achievement of personal or professional goals that hold meaning and significance to an individual. It goes beyond material wealth and status, encompassing both tangible accomplishments and intangible feelings of fulfillment and satisfaction. Success is often driven by a combination of factors, including setting and pursuing meaningful objectives, embracing challenges as opportunities for growth, and maintaining a sense of balance and well-being in various aspects of life. Ultimately, success is about finding a sense of purpose, realising one’s potential, and experiencing a deep sense of contentment as a result of one’s efforts and achievements.

How do you handle stress?

Ako bi većina nas odgovorila na ovo pitanje iskreno ko zna kako bi ostatak intervjua protekao. Ne možete baš da kažete kako biste u stresnim situacijama najradije seli u neki ćošak i plakali. Zato je pripremeljen odgovor najbolje rešenje. 

I believe that managing stress effectively is crucial for maintaining productivity and well-being. When faced with stressful situations, I employ a combination of strategies to stay composed and focused.

First, I prioritize organization and planning. I break down complex tasks into smaller, manageable steps and create a structured plan to tackle them. This approach helps me feel more in control and reduces the overwhelming feeling that can come with stress.

Second, I practice time management. I set realistic deadlines for tasks and allocate time for breaks. Taking short breaks to step away from work and recharge helps prevent burnout and maintains my ability to concentrate effectively.

Third, I make sure to maintain a healthy work-life balance. Engaging in hobbies, exercise, and spending time with loved ones helps me detach from work-related stressors and recharge my energy.

Lastly, I am not hesitant to seek support when needed. Whether it’s discussing concerns with a colleague or supervisor or seeking advice from a mentor, I recognize the value of gaining different perspectives to approach challenges more effectively.

Overall, my approach to handling stress involves a combination of planning, time management, maintaining a balanced lifestyle and seeking support when necessary. These strategies allow me to manage stress in a healthy and productive way.

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What are your goals for the future / Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Ovim pitanjem žele da vide da ste ambiciozni ali i da mogu da se oslone na vas na duže staze zbog čega je odgovor uvek isti. 

Over the next five years, my primary goal is to continue developing professionally and making meaningful contributions to my team and the company. I’m excited about the opportunity to grow in my role and take on additional responsibilities that align with my skills and interests.

I also have a strong interest in expanding my knowledge in [mention a relevant area or skill]. Whether through on-the-job experience, training programs, or further education, I aim to become an even more proficient [mention the skill] professional.

In terms of long-term aspirations, I see myself as a valuable asset to the company, perhaps in a more senior role where I can take on leadership responsibilities and contribute to strategic decision-making. I believe that my commitment to continuous learning and my dedication to achieving results will help me excel in whatever position I hold.

Ultimately, I am committed to making a positive impact and contributing to the success of the team and the organization. As I move forward in my career, I look forward to seizing opportunities for growth and embracing new challenges.

How well do you work with people / Are you a team player?

Naravno da jeste, na intervjuu za posao svi smo timski igrači. Mada uvek postoji i opcija ako niste kako to najbolje da saopštite svom poslodavcu.

I believe that effective collaboration is a cornerstone of achieving success, and I consider myself a strong team player. I place a high value on open communication, active listening, and a willingness to contribute to the collective goals of the team.

In my previous roles, I’ve had the opportunity to work on various cross-functional projects. I actively engage with team members to understand their perspectives, share my own insights, and ensure that everyone’s contributions are acknowledged and integrated. I believe that diverse viewpoints lead to more well-rounded solutions.

I also appreciate the importance of adapting my communication style to different team dynamics and personalities. Whether I’m leading a discussion, providing support, or seeking guidance, I’m focused on maintaining a positive and respectful environment that fosters creativity and effective problem-solving.

Ultimately, my commitment to teamwork stems from the understanding that each member brings unique strengths to the table, and by leveraging those strengths, we can collectively achieve exceptional results. I look forward to contributing my collaborative skills to create a strong and productive team environment.

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Why should we hire you / What can you bring to the company?

Još malo hvaljenja sebe i pokušaja da ne zvučimo prepotentno i nadmeno, a opet sposobno. 

I believe I would be a valuable addition to the team at [Company Name] for several reasons. First and foremost, my [mention specific skills or experiences relevant to the job] align well with the requirements outlined in the job description. Through my experience at [Previous Company/Role], I’ve demonstrated my ability to [mention a relevant accomplishment or task that showcases your skills].

Additionally, I’m passionate about [mention a key aspect of the company’s mission, values, or goals], which I believe is essential for a cohesive team dynamic. I am impressed by [Company Name]’s reputation for [mentioning a specific project, initiative, or industry recognition], and I’m eager to contribute my skills to help achieve even greater success.

Furthermore, my ability to [mention a unique or specialized skill] could provide a distinct advantage to the team. This skill has allowed me to [provide an example of how you’ve used this skill to drive positive outcomes].

I’m also a fast learner who thrives in dynamic environments. I adapt quickly to new challenges and am eager to take on responsibilities beyond my immediate role if it benefits the team and the company’s objectives.

Lastly, my dedication to continuous improvement means that I’m committed to enhancing my skills and staying updated with industry trends. I’m excited about the opportunity to learn from colleagues, contribute fresh perspectives, and continually add value to the team.

In conclusion, I’m confident that my skills, passion, and alignment with [Company Name]’s values make me a strong fit for the team. I’m excited to bring my experience and enthusiasm to [Company Name] and contribute to its continued growth and success.

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What are your salary expectations?

Još jedno pitanje koje ljudi ne vole baš jer u određenim situacijama ume da bude poprilično neprijatno. Ali ako imate dobar odgovor ništa ne može da vas iznenadi. 

I appreciate the opportunity to discuss compensation, and I’m open to a fair and competitive offer that reflects both the responsibilities of the role and the value I can bring to [Company Name]. While I don’t have a specific figure in mind right now, I’m confident that we can come to an agreement that aligns with industry standards and the scope of the position.

To help me better understand the salary range for this role, could you please provide me with more information about the company’s compensation structure and any benefits that are offered? This will allow me to provide a more informed response and ensure that my expectations are in line with [Company Name]’s practices.

Do you have any questions for us?

I za kraj, i ovo je veoma bitan deo samog intervjua i važno je da ste i ovde spremni kao i za sva ostala pitanja. Evo nekih primera šta biste vi njih mogli da pitate. 

  1. „Could you provide more insight into the team dynamics and how collaboration typically works within the department?“
  2. „What are the key priorities for the team or department over the next year?“
  3. „How does [Company Name] support professional development and growth opportunities for its employees?“
  4. „Could you tell me more about the company’s long-term vision and how this role contributes to that vision?“
  5. „What do you enjoy most about working for [Company Name]?“
  6. „Can you describe the typical career path for someone in this role?“
  7. „How does [Company Name] foster a diverse and inclusive workplace?“
  8. „What are the next steps in the interview process?“
  9. „Are there any upcoming projects or initiatives that this role would be involved in?“
  10. „What are the key qualities you’re looking for in the ideal candidate for this position?“


Sva ova pitanja i još mnoga druga pripremili smo za vas u našem ebook priručniku za pripremu za intervju na engleskom. A uz priručnik za vas imamo i časove pripreme za intervju sa našim profesorima koji imaju dugogodišnjeg iskustva u spremanju učenika za razgovore za posao!

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Imaš pitanje za mene ili učiteljice, ili imaš neku nedoumicu ili komentar? Možda želiš da se pridružiš našem programu i naučiš engleski jezik u prijatnoj atmosferi?

Piši nam i rado ćemo ti pomoći u svemu!

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